why nitric oxide is good for you?


1. What are the benefits of nitric oxide?

Nitric oxide can dilate blood vessels, increase blood flow, lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, and also has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and memory-promoting effects.
1. Dilate blood vessels: Nitric oxide can be produced by activating vascular endothelial cells, thereby dilating blood vessels, improving blood flow and blood oxygen supply.
2. Lower blood pressure: Nitric oxide can relax smooth muscle and reduce vasoconstriction, thereby lowering blood pressure.
3. Improve blood circulation: Nitric oxide can promote blood circulation, increase the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, while reducing the accumulation of carbon dioxide and metabolic waste.
4. Anti-inflammatory effect: Nitric oxide can inhibit the inflammatory response and reduce the symptoms of inflammation.
5. Antioxidant effect: Nitric oxide can scavenge free radicals and reduce oxidative damage.
6. Promote memory: Nitric oxide can promote the growth and connection of neurons, thereby improving memory and learning ability.

2. Which foods are rich in nitric oxide?

Grains and their products, potatoes and their products, dried beans and their products, vegetables and their products, fungi and algae, fruits and their products, nuts and seeds, livestock meat and their products, eggs and their products, fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish, pigs Tendons, camel palms, clove fish (dried), dried fish fillets, dried shrimps (shrimp, shrimp), razor clams, scallops (dried), cuttlefish (dried), fried tofu, sesame paste, etc.

3. What are the disadvantages of nitric oxide?

Nitric oxide's primary role in the body is to dilate blood vessels, which can lead to flushing and low blood pressure.
Nitric oxide, as a side effect of in vitro gas, is mainly irritating to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes. Nitric oxide has a strong oxidizing property, and it is very easy to burn and explode after contacting with some combustibles.
Nitric oxide is easily oxidized to nitrogen dioxide in the air, which is extremely toxic and corrosive. After long-term contact with the human body, accumulation in the body will cause pulmonary edema, adult respiratory distress syndrome, etc. Chest tightness, respiratory distress, cough, foamy sputum, cyanosis, etc. may also occur. High concentrations may also lead to methemoglobinemia . Therefore, nitric oxide is not only harmful to the environment, but also a chronic poison to the human body.

4. How does nitric oxide affect human health?

The harm of nitric oxide to the human body is mainly to damage the respiratory tract. Nitric oxide is unstable and is easily converted into nitrogen dioxide in the air to produce a stimulating effect. Nitrogen oxides mainly damage the human respiratory tract. During the initial stages of inhalation, there may be only mild symptoms of eye and respiratory irritation such as throat discomfort, dry cough and waking discomfort. Delayed pulmonary edema occurs after the incubation period of the disease for several hours, ten hours or more, and acute respiratory distress syndrome, that is, chest tightness, suffocation, dyspnea, cough, cyanosis of the lips, pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum may also occur. Delayed obstructive bronchiolitis may also develop after resolution of pulmonary edema, and high concentrations of nitric oxide may also cause methaemoglobinemia. Nitric oxide is harmful to the human body and is a gas that is poisonous to the human body. Chronic nitric oxide poisoning can also manifest as neurasthenia and chronic airway inflammation, with individual patients developing pulmonary fibrosis. Therefore, in production and life, try to avoid contact with nitric oxide and nitrogen oxides.