why is silane dangerous?


1. Why is silane toxic?

May be hazardous by inhalation, ingestion or absorption through the skin. Particularly flammable, keep away from heat, sparks and open flames. Its volatilized mist is irritating to eyes, skin, mucous membrane and upper respiratory tract. Wear suitable gloves and safety glasses and always use in a chemical fume hood.

2. What are the side effects of silane?

①Eye contact: Silane can irritate the eyes. Silane decomposition produces amorphous silica. Eye contact with amorphous silica particles may cause irritation.
Inhalation: 1. Inhalation of high concentration of silane can cause headache, nausea, dizziness and stimulate the upper respiratory tract.

② Silane can irritate the respiratory system and mucous membranes. Excessive inhalation of silane can cause pneumonia and kidney disease due to the presence of crystalline silica.

③ Exposure to high-concentration gas can also cause thermal burns due to spontaneous combustion.
Ingestion: Ingestion is unlikely to be a route of exposure to silanes.
Skin Contact: Silane is irritating to skin. Silane decomposition produces amorphous silica. Skin contact with amorphous silica particles may cause irritation.

3. What are silanes used for?

A) Coupling agent:

Organofunctional alkoxysilanes are used to couple organic polymers and inorganic materials, a typical feature of this application is reinforcement. Example: glass fibers and mineral fillers mixed into plastics and rubbers. They are used with thermoset and thermoplastic systems. Mineral fillers such as: silica, talc, wollastonite, clay and other materials are either pre-treated with silanes in the mixing process or added directly during the compounding process.

By using organofunctional silanes on hydrophilic, non-organic reactive fillers, mineral surfaces become reactive and lipophilic. Applications for fiberglass include automotive bodies, boats, shower stalls, printed circuit boards, satellite TV antennas, plastic pipes and containers, and others.

Mineral filled systems include reinforced polypropylene, white carbon black filled molding compounds, silicon carbide grinding wheels, pellet filled polymer concrete, sand-filled casting resins and clay-filled EPDM wires and cables, also used in automotive tires, shoe soles, machinery Clay-and silica-filled rubber for materials and other applications.


B) Adhesion promoter
Silane coupling agents are adhesion promoters when used to bond adherents and primers for paints, inks, coatings, adhesives and sealants. When used as an integral additive, silanes need to migrate to the interface between the bond and the material being treated to be useful. When used as a primer, silane coupling agents are used on inorganic materials before the product is bonded .
In this case: the silane is in a good position to act as an adhesion enhancer (in the interface area) With the correct use of silane coupling agents, even under harsh environmental conditions, the adhering inks, coatings, adhesives Or a sealant can keep the bond.


C) sulfur water, dispersant
Siloxanes with hydrophobic organic groups attached to silicon atoms can impart the same hydrophobic character as sub-hydrophilic inorganic surfaces, and they are used as permanent hydrophobic agents in construction, bridge and decking applications. They are also used in hydrophobic inorganic powders, making them free-flowing and easy to disperse in organic polymers and liquids.


D) Cross-linking agent
Organofunctional alkoxysilanes can react with organic polymers to incorporate tri-alkoxyalkyl groups into the polymer backbone. The silane can then react with moisture to crosslink the silane to form a stable three-dimensional siloxane structure . This mechanism can be used to crosslink plastics, polyethylene, and other organic resins, such as acrylics and polyurethanes, to impart durable, water-resistant paints, coatings, and adhesives.

PSI-520 silane coupling agent is used for organic dispersion treatment of MH/AH, kaolin, talcum powder and other fillers, and is also suitable for MH/AH organic treatment for halogen-free cable materials. For the treatment of inorganic powder materials, its hydrophobicity reaches 98%, and the water contact angle on the surface of organic inorganic powder is ≥110º. It can evenly disperse inorganic powder in organic polymers such as resin, plastic and rubber. Features: Improve fillers Dispersion performance; increase the limiting oxygen index value (LOI); increase the hydrophobicity of the filler, and also improve the electrical properties (dielectric constant tan, bulk electric ρD), after encountering water; increase the amount of filler, and at the same time have a higher Excellent tensile strength and elongation at break; improve heat resistance and high temperature creep; improve chemical corrosion resistance; high impact resistance; improve process stability and productivity of extrusion mixing.

4. What are the safety precautions for silane gas?

Do not allow system temperature to drop below -170°F (-112°C) or air may be drawn in to form an explosive mixture.
Do not allow silane to come into contact with heavy metal halides or halogens, silane reacts violently with them. The system should be carefully purged to prevent residues of degreasers, halogens or other chlorinated hydrocarbons contained therein.
Fully pressurize the system for leak testing with two to three times the working pressure, preferably helium. In addition, a routine leak detection system should be established and implemented.
After the system is checked for leaks or opened for other reasons, the air in the system should be purged by vacuuming or inert gas purging. Before opening any system containing silane the system must be completely purged with inert gas. If any part of the system has dead spaces or places where silane may remain, it must be vacuumed and circulated.
Silane should be vented to a place dedicated to its disposal, preferably burned. Even low concentrations of silane are dangerous and should not be exposed to air. Silanes can also be vented after being diluted with an inert gas to make them non-flammable.
Compressed gases should be stored and used in accordance with the requirements of the American Compressed Gas Association. Locally there may be special equipment regulations for storage and use of gas requirements.

5. What is the difference between silicone and silane?

Silicon-based materials typically enable more demanding applications than organic-based materials, ranging from those operating at extreme temperatures to long-term operation in harsh environmental conditions. They are used as additives to provide surface activity, water resistance, and excellent sensory experience, making silicone technology a key factor in enabling a variety of applications that enrich our everyday lives.