Why is carbon monoxide CO?


1. What is the difference between CO2 and CO?

1. Different molecular structures, CO and CO2
2. Molecular mass is different, CO is 28, CO2 is 44
3. Different flammability, CO is flammable, CO2 is not flammable
4. The physical properties are different, CO has a peculiar smell, and CO2 is odorless
5. The binding capacity of CO and hemoglobin in the human body is 200 times that of oxygen molecules, which can make the human body unable to absorb oxygen, leading to CO poisoning and suffocation. CO2 absorbs the infrared radiation radiated from the ground, which can produce the greenhouse effect.

2. Why is CO more toxic than CO2?

1. Carbon dioxide CO2 is non-toxic, and if the content in the air is too high, it will suffocate people. Not poisoning 2. Carbon monoxide CO is poisonous, it can destroy the transporting effect of hemoglobin.

3. How is CO2 converted to CO?

Heat with C. C+CO2==high temperature==2CO.
Co-heating with water vapor. C+H2O(g)==high temperature==CO+H2
Reaction with insufficient amount of Na. 2Na+CO2==high temperature==Na2O+CO has side reactions

4. Why is CO a poisonous gas?

CO is very easy to combine with hemoglobin in the blood, so that hemoglobin can no longer combine with O2, resulting in hypoxia in the organism, which will endanger life in severe cases, so CO is poisonous

5. Where is carbon monoxide mainly found?

Carbon monoxide in life mainly comes from incomplete combustion of carbonaceous substances or carbon monoxide leakage. When using coal stoves for heating, cooking and gas water heaters, a large amount of carbon monoxide can be produced due to poor ventilation. When there is a temperature inversion layer in the lower atmosphere, the wind is weak, the humidity is high, or there is weak bottom activity, high and low pressure transition zone, etc., the climatic conditions are not conducive to the diffusion and elimination of pollutants, especially at night in the winter and spring seasons It is especially obvious in the morning and morning, and the phenomenon of soot and exhaust gas from gas water heaters is not smooth or even reversed. In addition, the chimney is blocked, the chimney is downwind, the chimney joint is not tight, the gas pipe is leaking, and the gas valve is not closed. It can often lead to a sudden increase in the concentration of carbon monoxide in the room, and the tragedy of carbon monoxide poisoning occurs.
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, tasteless, odorless asphyxiating gas that exists in (social) production and living environments. Carbon monoxide is often referred to as "gas, gas". In fact, the main components of the commonly referred to as "coal gas" are different. There are "coal gas" mainly composed of carbon monoxide; there are "coal gas" mainly composed of methane; . The main component of "gas" is methane, and there may be a small amount of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Among them, the most dangerous is the carbon monoxide produced by incomplete combustion of "coal gas" mainly composed of carbon monoxide and "coal gas" mainly composed of methane, pentane, and hexane. Because pure carbon monoxide is colorless, tasteless, and odorless, people don't know whether there is "gas" in the air, and they often don't know it after being poisoned. Therefore, adding mercaptan to "coal gas" acts as an "odor alarm", which can make people alert, and soon find out that there is a gas leak, and immediately take measures to prevent explosions, fires and poisoning accidents.

6. Why is carbon monoxide poisonous to the human body?

Carbon monoxide poisoning is mainly due to the lack of oxygen in the human body.

Carbon monoxide is a non-irritating, odorless, colorless asphyxiating gas produced by incomplete combustion of carbon substances. After being inhaled into the body, it will combine with hemoglobin, causing the hemoglobin to lose its ability to carry oxygen, and then cause hypoxia. In severe cases, acute poisoning may occur.

If carbon monoxide poisoning is mild, the main manifestations are headache, dizziness, nausea, etc. Generally, it can be relieved by staying away from the poisoning environment in time and breathing fresh air. If it is moderate poisoning, the main clinical manifestations are disturbance of consciousness, dyspnea, etc., and they can wake up relatively quickly after inhaling oxygen and fresh air. Patients with severe poisoning will be in a state of deep coma, and if they are not treated in a timely and correct way, it may cause complications such as shock and cerebral edema.