what is liquid argon used for


一. Is liquid argon dangerous?

First of all, liquid argon is a colorless, tasteless, odorless, non-toxic inert gas, which is not harmful to the human body and the environment. However, at high concentrations, argon has a suffocating effect. When the concentration of argon in the air is higher than 33%, there is a danger of suffocation. When the argon concentration exceeds 50%, severe symptoms will appear, and when the concentration reaches above 75%, death can occur within a few minutes. At the same time, skin contact with liquid argon can cause frostbite, and eye contact can cause inflammation.

二.What grade is liquid argon?

The purity of our argon gas includes 99.99%, 99.999%, 99.9999% and argon mixed gas, which can meet the needs of industrial grade and electronic grade.

三.The many uses of liquid argon:

1. Coolant: Liquid argon is an extremely low-temperature liquid gas with a boiling point of -185.7°C, which is one of the elements with the lowest boiling point known so far. Therefore, liquid argon is widely used in cryogenic experiments and technologies, such as superconducting electronics, nuclear magnetic resonance, high energy physics and other fields.
2. Gas protection: Liquid argon can also be used as a gas protection agent, which can protect some easily oxidized and corroded metals and alloys, such as copper, aluminum, magnesium, etc. During the processing of these metals, liquid argon can prevent them from reacting with oxygen and water vapor in the air, thus ensuring the quality of the product.
3. Food processing: Liquid argon can also be used in the field of food processing, such as frozen food, frozen beverages, etc. In these applications, liquid argon can quickly freeze food, preserving its freshness and taste.
4. Electronic industry: Liquid argon can also be used in the electronic industry, such as semiconductor manufacturing, electronic component manufacturing, etc. In these applications, liquid argon can be used to clean, cool and protect electronic components, thereby maintaining product quality and performance.
5. Rocket propellant: Liquid argon can also be used as a rocket propellant because of its high burning velocity and high energy density. Liquid argon can be mixed with oxygen to form a high-temperature and high-pressure flame, which can generate powerful thrust.

四.How to use and store liquid argon?

Precautions for operation and disposal: airtight operation, enhanced ventilation, equipped with emergency forced ventilation equipment, and operators must undergo special training. Work with a certificate and strictly abide by the operating procedures during operation. When filling, the filling speed should be controlled. Filling time is not less than 30min. Leakage of liquid argon to prevent frostbite.
Precautions for storage: Store in a ventilated warehouse, away from fire, heat sources, and gas cylinders. Measures should be taken to prevent falling to the ground. Storage temperature should not exceed 30°C. The storage area should be equipped with leakage emergency treatment equipment.

Summary: There are many ways to prepare liquid argon, the most commonly used method is to prepare by air separation. The air separation method is to separate oxygen, nitrogen and other gases in the air to obtain liquid argon.

In addition, there is another method to prepare liquid argon by liquefied natural gas. Liquefied natural gas is to compress natural gas into a liquid state, and then separate the liquid argon in the liquid state through separation technology.

Although liquid argon has important functions and uses in many fields, it also has certain dangers. Liquid argon is a stable gas at normal temperature and pressure, but under high pressure, high temperature and other conditions, liquid argon will become unstable, resulting in dangers such as explosion and fire. Therefore, when using liquid argon, it is necessary to strictly abide by the safety operation regulations to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment.