What is ethylene oxide?


Ethylene oxide is an organic compound with the chemical formula C2H4O, which is a toxic carcinogen and was previously used to make fungicides. Ethylene oxide is flammable and explosive, and is not easy to transport over long distances, so it has strong regional characteristics. It is widely used in washing, pharmaceutical, printing and dyeing industries. It can be used as a starting agent for cleaning agents in chemical related industries.
On October 27, 2017, the list of carcinogens released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization was initially compiled for reference, and ethylene oxide was included in the list of Class 1 carcinogens.

2. Is ethylene oxide harmful to the human body?

Harmful, ethylene oxide is a colorless transparent liquid at low temperature, often stored in steel cylinders, pressure-resistant aluminum bottles or glass bottles, and is a gas sterilizer. It has strong gas penetrating power and strong bactericidal ability, and has a good killing effect on bacteria, viruses and fungi. It does not cause damage to most items and can be used for fumigation of fur, leather, medical equipment, etc. The steam will burn or even explode when exposed to an open flame. It is corrosive to the respiratory tract and can cause gastrointestinal reactions such as vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. Liver and kidney function damage and hemolysis may also occur. Excessive skin contact with ethylene oxide solution will cause burning pain, and even blisters and dermatitis. Long-term exposure may cause cancer. Ethylene oxide is a highly toxic substance in our lives. When we use ethylene oxide for disinfection, we should be equipped with protective equipment. We must pay attention to safety and use it only when certain conditions are met.

3. What happens if ethylene oxide is consumed?

When ethylene oxide burns, it first reacts with oxygen to generate carbon dioxide and water. The reaction equation is as follows: C2H4O + 3O2 -> 2CO2 + 2H2O In the case of complete combustion, the combustion products of ethylene oxide are only carbon dioxide and water. This is a relatively environmentally friendly combustion process. However, in the case of incomplete combustion, carbon monoxide is also formed. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is highly toxic to the human body. When carbon monoxide enters the human body, it will combine with hemoglobin to reduce the oxygen content in the blood, leading to poisoning and even death.

4. What is ethylene oxide in everyday products?

At room temperature, ethylene oxide is a flammable, colorless gas with a sweet smell. It is mainly used in the production of other chemicals, including antifreeze. Small amounts of ethylene oxide are used as pesticides and disinfectants. The ability of ethylene oxide to damage DNA makes it a potent bactericide, but could also explain its carcinogenic activity.
Ethylene oxide is a versatile compound used in the production of other chemical products used in a variety of industrial applications and everyday consumer products, including household cleaners, personal care products, and fabrics and textiles. A small but important use of ethylene oxide is in the disinfection of medical equipment. Ethylene oxide can sterilize medical equipment and help prevent disease and infection.

5. Which foods contain ethylene oxide?

In my country, the use of ethylene oxide for food disinfection including ice cream is strictly prohibited.
To this end, my country has also specially formulated the "GB31604.27-2016 National Food Safety Standard for the Determination of Ethylene Oxide and Propylene Oxide in Plastics of Food Contact Materials and Products" to regulate the content of ethylene oxide in packaging materials. If the material meets this standard, there is no need to worry about the food being contaminated by ethylene oxide.

6. Does the hospital use ethylene oxide?

Ethylene oxide, referred to as ETO, is a colorless gas that is irritating to human eyes, skin and respiratory tract. In low concentrations, it is carcinogenic, mutagenic, reproductive and nervous system harmful. The odor of ethylene oxide is imperceptible below 700ppm. Therefore, an ethylene oxide detector is required for long-term monitoring of its concentration to prevent harm to the human body. Although the primary application of ethylene oxide is as a raw material for many organic synthesis, another major application is in the disinfection of instruments in hospitals. Ethylene oxide is used as a sterilizer for steam and heat sensitive materials. Now widely used in minimally invasive surgical procedures. While alternatives to ETO, such as peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide plasma gas, remain problematic, their effectiveness and applicability are limited. Therefore, at this point, ETO sterilization remains the method of choice.