
Appearance and propertiesColorless gas
Melting point (℃)-163.6
Relative density (water = 1)1.27 (-151℃)
Saturated vapor pressure (kPa)No data available
Critical temperature (℃)-93
Octanol/water partition coefficientNo data available
Ignition temperature (°C)Meaningless
Lower explosive limit % (V/V)Meaningless
pHNo data available
Boiling point (℃)-151
Relative vapor density (air = 1)No data available
Heat of combustion (kJ/mol)Meaningless
Critical pressure (MPa)6.48
Flash point (°C)Meaningless
Upper explosive limit % (V/V)Meaningless
SolubilitySlightly soluble in water

Safety Instructions

Main physical and chemical hazards: combustion-supporting, toxic, irritating. GHS hazard category: oxidizing gas, Category 1 pressurized gas; Acute toxicity – Inhalation, category 3: Specific target organ toxicity – One exposure, category 1
Warning word: Danger
Hazard information: may cause or aggravate combustion; Oxidizing agent; Gas under pressure, if heated can explode; Organ damage caused by a single exposure; Toxic by inhalation;
Precautions: Keep away from heat source, open flame, hot surface. No smoking in the workplace. Keep away from flammable and combustible materials. Avoid contact with halogens. Do not use tools that may cause sparks. Take measures to prevent static electricity. Ground containers and connected devices.
Route of invasion: inhalation.
Health hazard: This product is unstable and quickly transforms into nitrogen dioxide in the air to produce irritating effects. Nitrogen oxides mainly damage the respiratory tract. At the beginning of inhalation, there are only mild eye and respiratory irritation symptoms, such as pharyngeal discomfort, dry cough, etc. Delayed pulmonary edema, adult respiratory distress syndrome, chest tightness, respiratory distress, cough, frothy sputum, cyanosis, etc. often occur after an incubation period of several hours to ten hours or more. Pneumothorax and mediastinal emphysema may be complicated. Delayed obstructive bronchiolitis may appear about two weeks after resolution of pulmonary edema. High nitric oxide concentration can cause methemoglobinemia. Chronic effects: The main manifestations are neurasthenic syndrome and chronic respiratory inflammation. Pulmonary fibrosis occurred in a few cases. It can cause dental acidosis.
Emergency summary: Wash skin and eye contact with tap water, seek medical treatment, inhalation quickly away from the scene to fresh air.
Keep your airways open. Wear a filtered gas mask or self-contained positive pressure air respirator when dealing with an accident.
Environmental hazard: It is harmful to the environment and can cause pollution to water, soil and atmosphere.