Emergency summary: non-flammable gas, strong irritant. GHS Hazard category: Acute toxicity of pressurized gas – inhalation, Category 3* Skin corrosion/irritation, Category 1A Serious eye injury/eye irritation, Category 1 Aquatic environment Hazard – Acute hazard, Category 1
Warning word: Danger
Danger information: gas under pressure, if heated, can explode; Causing severe skin burns and eye damage; Cause serious eye damage; Very toxic to aquatic organisms; Toxic by inhalation;
Preventive measures: Implement closed production, pay attention to safety when handling, do not make the container damaged. Prevent inhalation of vapors, aerosols or gases. Work in a well-ventilated area. When the concentration in the air exceeds the standard, wear a filter gas mask or self-contained positive pressure air respirator. Avoid contact during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not eat or drink in the workplace. Clean the body contact parts thoroughly after operation, and the contaminated work clothes shall not be taken out of the workplace. Prevents leaks or spills. Avoid release into the environment.
Accident response: Take off contaminated clothing immediately after skin contact (or hair), rinse and bathe with plenty of flowing water. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting, seek medical attention immediately.
Eye contact: Wash eyes immediately with an eyewash or saline rinse. When collecting leaks, wear a filtered gas mask or self-contained positive pressure air respirator.
Safe storage: Avoid sunlight and store in a well-ventilated place. Should be stored separately from alkali and active metal powder.
Disposal: This product or its container shall be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
Physical and chemical hazard: anhydrous hydrogen chloride is non-corrosive, but it is highly corrosive when it encounters water. It can react with some active metal powders to release hydrogen. Cyanide can produce highly toxic hydrogen gas.
Health hazard: This product has a strong irritating effect on the eyes and respiratory mucosa. Acute poisoning: headache, dizziness, nausea, eye pain, cough, blood in sputum, hoarseness, dyspnea, chest tightness, chest pain, etc. Pneumonia, pulmonary edema and atelectasis occurred in severe cases. Corneas may be ulcerated or cloudy. Direct skin contact can appear a large number of miliary red papules with hot flushing pain.
Chronic effects: Long-term exposure to high concentrations can cause chronic bronchitis, gastrointestinal dysfunction and dental acidosis.
Environmental harm: It is harmful to the environment and can cause pollution to water.