
Appearance and propertiesColorless and odorless gas. Acetylene produced by the calcium carbide process has a special odor because it is mixed with hydrogen sulfide, phosphine, and hydrogen arsenide.
PH valueMeaningless
Melting point (℃)-81.8 (at 119 kPa)
Boiling point (℃)-83.8
Relative density (water = 1)0.62
Relative density (air = 1)0.91
Saturated vapor pressure (kPa)4,053 (at 16.8 ℃)
Critical temperature (℃)35.2
Critical pressure (MPa)6.14
Heat of combustion (kJ/mol)1,298.4
Flash point (℃)-32
Ignition temperature (℃)305
Explosion limits (% V/V)Lower limit: 2.2%; Upper limit: 85%
Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water)0.37
SolubilitySlightly soluble in water, ethanol; soluble in acetone, chloroform, benzene; miscible in ether

Safety Instructions

Emergency Overview: Highly flammable gas.
GHS Hazard Class: According to the Chemical Classification, Warning Label and Warning Specification series standards, the product is a flammable gas, Class 1; Gases under pressure, category: Pressurized gases – dissolved gases.
Warning word: Danger
Danger information: highly flammable gas, containing high pressure gas, may explode in case of heat. 

Preventive measures: Keep away from heat sources, sparks, open flames, hot surfaces, and no smoking in the workplace.
Accident response: If the leaking gas catches fire, do not extinguish the fire unless the leaking source can be cut off safely. If there is no danger, eliminate all ignition sources.
Safe storage: Avoid sunlight and store in a well-ventilated place.
Disposal: This product or its container shall be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
Physical and chemical hazard: gas under extremely flammable pressure. Acetylene forms explosive mixtures with air, oxygen and other oxidizing vapors. Decomposition occurs when heated or pressure rises, with a risk of fire or explosion. Contact with an oxidizing agent can cause violent reactions. Contact with fluorinated chlorine can cause violent chemical reactions. Can form explosive substances with copper, silver, mercury and other compounds. Compressed gas, cylinders or containers are prone to overpressure when exposed to high heat from open fire, and have the risk of explosion. Health hazards: Low concentration has anaesthetic effect, inhalation of headache, dizziness, nausea, ataxia and other symptoms. High concentrations cause asphyxia.
Environmental hazards: No data available.