Jiangsu Huazhong Gas Co., Ltd. participated in the Asian Gas Show in Bangkok, Thailand


On March 19, 2024, the highly anticipated "Gas Asia 2024" opened in Bangkok, Thailand. The exhibition was jointly organized by the relevant government agencies of Thailand, as well as the gas associations of India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea and other countries, aiming to promote the exchange and cooperation of the gas industry in Asia.

Jiangsu Huazhong Gas Co., Ltd. participated in the Asian Gas Show in Bangkok, Thailand

The exhibition attracted gas industry elites and well-known enterprises from all over the world, including SCG, Hang Oxygen, Linde, Jiangsu Huazhong Gas Co., Ltd. and 36 leading gas product enterprises as well as gas production and equipment enterprises. At the exhibition site, various companies displayed a variety of gas products, project cases, the latest gas equipment, storage containers and other innovative products, as well as a series of advanced solutions, presenting a banquet for the gas industry. With the implementation of the permanent visa-free entry policy between China and Thailand from March 1, 2024, the holding of this gas show is even more significant. The implementation of the visa waiver policy not only provides great convenience for personnel exchanges between the two countries, but also lays a solid foundation for the in-depth cooperation between China and Thailand in the field of gas.


A series of docking activities were also held during the exhibition, such as "2024 Southeast Asia Gas Buyers Procurement Matchmaking Meeting" and "Smart Gas Charging Business Matchmaking Meeting", which provided valuable business negotiations and cooperation opportunities for participating enterprises. Among them, Jiangsu Huazhong Gas Co., Ltd. as an important exhibitor, won the honor of China-Thailand Friendly Cooperation Company issued by the Thailand Association, this award is the affirmation of the achievements and honors of Huazhong Gas, Huazhong Gas will be more focused on the one-stop gas service mode of operation, to provide customers with more quality gas products.

The success of the Asia Gas Show has not only built an important platform for the cooperation between China and Thailand in the field of gas, but also injected new vitality into the development of the gas industry in Asia and even the world. In this new platform, Jiangsu Huazhong Gas Co., Ltd. will give full play to its own advantages, complete the company's strategic layout with points and areas, strengthen cooperation with local enterprises, provide better and better gas products, and create one-stop gas solutions to customer satisfaction and industry benchmark requirements. At the same time, in this exhibition, Jiangsu Huazhong Gas Co., Ltd. has conducted in-depth communication with customers from various countries and reached further cooperation intentions, which is another important help for brand globalization.

With the successful conclusion of the Asia Gas Show, the cooperation between China and Thailand in the field of gas has also ushered in a new starting point. We have reason to believe that with the joint efforts of both sides, the future cooperation will be closer and deeper, and bring a better tomorrow for the development of the gas industry in Asia and even the world.