Industrial Use , Applications and Safety of Oxygen


Oxygen is a vital element that is used in various industrial applications. It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that makes up around 21% of the earth's atmosphere. In industrial settings, oxygen is used for a variety of purposes, including welding, cutting, and brazing. This article explores the different applications and uses of industrial oxygen and its safety.

industrial use of oxygen

Applications and Industrial Uses of Oxygen

1. Welding and Cutting

One of the most common uses of industrial oxygen is in welding and cutting processes. Oxygen is used as a fuel gas to produce a high-temperature flame that melts the metal being welded or cut. This process is known as oxy-fuel welding or cutting. The high temperature produced by the flame allows the metal to be melted and shaped into the desired form.

2. Medical Applications

Oxygen is also used in medical applications. It is used to treat patients with respiratory problems, such as asthma and emphysema. Oxygen therapy is also used to treat patients with severe burns, carbon monoxide poisoning, and other medical conditions that require increased oxygen levels in the body.

3. Steel Production

Oxygen is used in the production of steel. The process is known as the basic oxygen process (BOP). In this process, oxygen is blown into a furnace containing molten iron to remove impurities and reduce the carbon content of the metal. The resulting steel is strong and durable, making it ideal for use in construction and manufacturing.

4. Chemical Production

Oxygen is also used in the production of chemicals, such as ethylene oxide, methanol, and ammonia. These chemicals are used in a variety of industries, including agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and plastics.

Safety of Industrial Oxygen

While oxygen is a vital element in many industrial applications, it can also be dangerous if not handled properly. Oxygen is a highly reactive gas that can cause fires and explosions if it comes into contact with combustible materials. Therefore, it is essential to follow safety procedures when handling industrial oxygen.

1. Storage

Industrial oxygen should be stored in a well-ventilated area away from combustible materials. The storage area should be dry and cool to prevent the risk of fire or explosion.

2. Handling

When handling industrial oxygen, it is essential to use appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves, goggles, and respirators. Oxygen should never be allowed to come into contact with oil or grease, as this can cause a fire or explosion.

3. Transportation

Industrial oxygen should be transported in secure containers that are designed for this purpose. The containers should be properly labeled and secured to prevent leaks or spills.

In conclusion, industrial use of oxygen has many applications and uses in various industries, including welding, cutting, steel production, and chemical production. While it is a vital element in these processes, it can also be dangerous if not handled properly. Therefore, it is essential to follow safety procedures when handling industrial oxygen to prevent accidents and ensure a safe working environment.