How to Use Whip Cream Chargers


Whip cream chargers are a convenient way to make fresh, whipped cream at home. They are small, metal canisters that contain nitrous oxide, a gas that is used to propel the cream out of the dispenser.


What You Need

To use a whip cream charger, you will need:

• A whip cream dispenser

• Whip cream chargers

• Heavy cream

• A decorator tip (optional)

580g cream charger


  1. Prepare the whip cream dispenser. Wash the dispenser and all of its parts with warm, soapy water. Rinse the parts thoroughly and dry them with a clean towel.
  2. Add the heavy cream to the dispenser. Pour the heavy cream into the dispenser, filling it no more than halfway.
  3. Screw on the charger holder. Screw the charger holder onto the dispenser head until it is snug.
  4. Insert the charger. Insert the charger into the charger holder, making sure that the small end is facing up.
  5. Screw on the charger holder. Screw the charger holder onto the dispenser head until you hear a hissing sound. This indicates that the gas is being released into the dispenser.
  6. Shake the dispenser. Shake the dispenser vigorously for about 30 seconds.
  7. Dispense the whipped cream. Point the dispenser at a bowl or serving dish and press the lever to dispense the whipped cream.
  8. Decorate (optional). If desired, you can use a decorator tip to create different designs with the whipped cream.



• For best results, use cold heavy cream.

• Do not overfill the dispenser.

• Shake the dispenser vigorously for about 30 seconds.

• Point the dispenser at a bowl or serving dish when dispensing the whipped cream.

• Use a decorator tip to create different designs with the whipped cream.


Safety Precautions

• Whip cream chargers contain nitrous oxide, a gas that can be harmful if inhaled.

• Do not use whip cream chargers if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

• Do not use whip cream chargers if you have any respiratory problems.

• Use whip cream chargers in a well-ventilated area.

• Do not store whip cream chargers in direct sunlight or near heat sources.


If you are having problems with your whip cream charger, here are a few troubleshooting tips:

• Make sure that the charger is inserted correctly into the charger holder.

• Make sure that the dispenser is not overfilled.

• Shake the dispenser vigorously for about 30 seconds.

• If the whipped cream is not coming out smoothly, try using a different decorator tip.



Whip cream chargers are a convenient way to make fresh, whipped cream at home. By following the instructions above, you can easily use whip cream chargers to create delicious desserts and toppings.